Sunday, September 27, 2009

Return my blog again~ Miss it~

Posted by MaggieYin at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Wah~ Long time no update my blog kii,sowie wor,my friend~ Muacks~ <3
Tis few days hang out wif my jiemui and my family. We are going too many places~ Huhhuuuuuu~ <3 <3 <3
But today is my unlucky day! I wan buy my shoes,but my Nike Shoes is SOLD OUT!!!!!! WTH!!!! Haiz~ Hate It!!!! Who buy it!!!!!! My lovely shoes!!!!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Many things wad happened on Today!!!!!

Posted by MaggieYin at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Last night,i cant update my blog,bcos i wan do my revision of Sej¬ I slept at 12am and wake up again at 2:30am, juz for do revision¬ who knows!!!! today NO test!!!! Damn!!! The lecturer tell us, it postpone to next week! WTF!!!!!! I study until so tired and my wrinkle of my eyes become more dark!!!!! Huh¬¬¬¬¬¬
Tis afternoon after finished my class, my friends and I are planning go to Starbucks,The Spring for searching the info bout SEJ¬ Wah! When we reach there, The Starbucks is full and we juz prefer to Big Apple Donuts,bcos there have wifi¬ We owayz play and chatting at there only, until we felt so bored, we go to MBO Cineplax for looking for the new movies¬ Finally, we suggest tommorow juz watch the movie bcos my friend want go back b4 4pm. So, we go to tabao our things like, laptop and bag. On the way we go back, we saw the smokes was flown out from the bank¬ When we drive across the bank, we juz found that, not the bank was burned! That was a car! The car was burned until whole part of body become black in colour,OMG! Who is the owner???
Y so unlucky????



Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Posted by MaggieYin at 5:05 PM 0 comments
第一课上完后,我‘孩子’的朋友来在我去“玉壶轩”吃,哇!他一路上一直被我‘孩子’叫成‘老爸’,还真好笑的说!吃到第二课都迟到,有真够过分的咯~哈哈~没办法,贪玩嘛~上完第二课,才是好笑的勒!我姐妹竟然突然跪下来!在下楼梯时,跪下来捏!!!哇!她在干嘛?!哈哈~是跌倒了~唉~好可怜哦~因为她的皮肤很敏感,被轻轻弄到就‘黑青’了,何况现在!整个膝盖都红了,而且都破皮了,唉~今晚要‘siok siok’她了,嘻嘻~

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Posted by MaggieYin at 11:29 AM 0 comments


Monday, September 7, 2009

Facebooking is make me angry~

Posted by MaggieYin at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Today morning go to college on 8:10am, it's so early to tat time, so i facebooking. OMG! Computer in College is damn bcos can't upload the flash player, so i can't play the game in facebook. I'm so bored when the class started until finish~ Fianlly, the class is finish and i reach home, who knows~~~~ when i juz switch on my laptop and facebooking~ DAMNNNNN!!! I can't log in the facebook!!! Today is so unlucky to me! HUHHHHH~

Hi! I'm cuming beccccccc~~~

Posted by MaggieYin at 5:58 PM 0 comments
Yo~ I'm cuming bec~ I forgot my previous blog already,so i juz change to tis blog. Can u everyone help me if i need your help when i dont know to assist~ Please leave a comment to me if you have anything to tell me~ Thanks to support me~

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Return my blog again~ Miss it~

Wah~ Long time no update my blog kii,sowie wor,my friend~ Muacks~ <3
Tis few days hang out wif my jiemui and my family. We are going too many places~ Huhhuuuuuu~ <3 <3 <3
But today is my unlucky day! I wan buy my shoes,but my Nike Shoes is SOLD OUT!!!!!! WTH!!!! Haiz~ Hate It!!!! Who buy it!!!!!! My lovely shoes!!!!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Many things wad happened on Today!!!!!

Last night,i cant update my blog,bcos i wan do my revision of Sej¬ I slept at 12am and wake up again at 2:30am, juz for do revision¬ who knows!!!! today NO test!!!! Damn!!! The lecturer tell us, it postpone to next week! WTF!!!!!! I study until so tired and my wrinkle of my eyes become more dark!!!!! Huh¬¬¬¬¬¬
Tis afternoon after finished my class, my friends and I are planning go to Starbucks,The Spring for searching the info bout SEJ¬ Wah! When we reach there, The Starbucks is full and we juz prefer to Big Apple Donuts,bcos there have wifi¬ We owayz play and chatting at there only, until we felt so bored, we go to MBO Cineplax for looking for the new movies¬ Finally, we suggest tommorow juz watch the movie bcos my friend want go back b4 4pm. So, we go to tabao our things like, laptop and bag. On the way we go back, we saw the smokes was flown out from the bank¬ When we drive across the bank, we juz found that, not the bank was burned! That was a car! The car was burned until whole part of body become black in colour,OMG! Who is the owner???
Y so unlucky????



Wednesday, September 9, 2009


第一课上完后,我‘孩子’的朋友来在我去“玉壶轩”吃,哇!他一路上一直被我‘孩子’叫成‘老爸’,还真好笑的说!吃到第二课都迟到,有真够过分的咯~哈哈~没办法,贪玩嘛~上完第二课,才是好笑的勒!我姐妹竟然突然跪下来!在下楼梯时,跪下来捏!!!哇!她在干嘛?!哈哈~是跌倒了~唉~好可怜哦~因为她的皮肤很敏感,被轻轻弄到就‘黑青’了,何况现在!整个膝盖都红了,而且都破皮了,唉~今晚要‘siok siok’她了,嘻嘻~

Tuesday, September 8, 2009



Monday, September 7, 2009

Facebooking is make me angry~

Today morning go to college on 8:10am, it's so early to tat time, so i facebooking. OMG! Computer in College is damn bcos can't upload the flash player, so i can't play the game in facebook. I'm so bored when the class started until finish~ Fianlly, the class is finish and i reach home, who knows~~~~ when i juz switch on my laptop and facebooking~ DAMNNNNN!!! I can't log in the facebook!!! Today is so unlucky to me! HUHHHHH~

Hi! I'm cuming beccccccc~~~

Yo~ I'm cuming bec~ I forgot my previous blog already,so i juz change to tis blog. Can u everyone help me if i need your help when i dont know to assist~ Please leave a comment to me if you have anything to tell me~ Thanks to support me~


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